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Take Me Somewhere Nice 2019

Take Me Somewhere Nice

Take Me Somewhere Nice

As film industry reviewers, we say Take Me Somewhere Nice is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Take me to the mountains. Take me to the stars. Take me on the road.

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About the Take Me Somewhere Nice 💬

A road movie about Bosnian-Dutch girl's exploration of her country of origin...

Alma (Sara Luna Zoric) travels from the Netherlands to Bosnia to visit the father she's never met. Teaming up with her indifferent cousin and his charming best friend, they embark together on an increasingly unpredictable road trip adventure through the country's scorching heartland.

Take Me Somewhere Nice Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Ena Sendijarevic

Writing Credits

Ena Sendijarevic


Sara Luna Zoric

Lazar Dragojevic

Ernad Prnjavorac

Music by

Ella van der Woude

Cinematography by

Emo Weemhoff

Genre: Drama

Countries: Netherlands, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Take Me Somewhere Nice Official Trailer

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