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Never Grow Old 2019

Never Grow Old

Never Grow Old

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Greed digs the deepest graves.

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About the Never Grow Old 💬

When a ruthless gang of outlaws terrorizes a sleepy frontier town, the local undertaker Patrick Tate (Emile Hirsh) faces a profound moral dilemma. He plays a dangerous game providing for his family as he profits in the wake of the violence sweeping the once peaceful God-fearing community. As the death toll rises and without religion or the law to turn to, will Patrick find a way to defeat the outlaws as they turn their brutal attention on his pregnant wife and children?

Never Grow Old Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Ivan Kavanagh

Writing Credits

Ivan Kavanagh


Emile Hirsch

Déborah François

Molly McCann

Quinn Topper Marcus

John Cusack

Sam Louwyck

Camille Pistone

Antonia Campbell-Hughes

Danny Webb

Tim Ahern

Paul Reid

Leila Lallali

Nickel Bösenberg

Blake Berris

Paul Ronan

Anne Coesens

Manon Capelle

Music by

Gast Waltzing

Cinematography by

Piers McGrail

Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Western

Countries: Ireland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom

Never Grow Old Official Trailer

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