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Live Twice, Love Once 2019

Live Twice, Love Once | Vivir Dos Veces

Live Twice, Love Once-Vivir Dos Veces

As film industry reviewers, we say Live Twice, Love Once is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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A retired academic teacher tries to find the love of his youth after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

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About Live Twice, Love Once 💬

"I'm so attracted to mathematics because of the pure logic in it. Numbers are always rational, predictable. But without warning and amid all those harmonious things, appears the number Pi. One number, mysterious, infinite. It's a number that is alive, constantly forging it own path, never following patterns, established or known and that is how I realized mathematics isn't simply logical, they're also magical. That is what Margarita was to me... magical."
Oscar Martínez as Emilio

When Emilio (Oscar Martínez) is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, he and his family embark on a quest to reunite him with his childhood crush.

Live Twice, Love Once Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Maria Ripoll

Writing Credits

María Mínguez


Oscar Martínez

Lucas Cavataio

Inma Cuesta

Mafalda Carbonell

Nacho López

Isabel Requena

Valeria Schoneveld

Antonio Valero

Aina Clotet

María Zamora

Amparo Oltra

Hugo Balaguer

Music by

Arnau Bataller

Cinematography by

Núria Roldos

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Country: Spain

Live Twice, Love Once Official Trailer

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