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Line of Duty 2019

In the Line of Duty

In the Line of Duty

As film industry reviewers, we say Line of Duty is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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The clock is ticking. The world is watching.

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About the Line of Duty 💬

LINE OF DUTY finds disgraced cop Frank Penny (Aaron Eckhart) on a rogue mission of redemption to find the Chief of Police's abducted daughter. Trapped in a box that's slowly filling with water, time is running out for the innocent captive, and Frank's chances of rescuing her is quickly ebbing away...

With the girl's chances of survival already slim, Penny makes a fatal mistake and kills the twisted abductor, eliminating their only lead as to the girl's whereabouts. Now joined by ambitious reporter Ava Brooks (Courtney Eaton) who is live streaming the search, all hell breaks loose when the dead abductor's brother Dean Keller (Ben McKenzie) arrives on the scene with a bloody thirst for revenge...

Line of Duty Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Steven C. Miller

Writing Credits

Jeremy Drysdale


Aaron Eckhart

Courtney Eaton

Jessica Lu

Dina Meyer

Lindsey Garrett

Betsy Landin

Ben McKenzie

James Hutchison III

Giancarlo Esposito

Nishelle Williams

Elijah M. Cooper

Nickola Shreli,

Music by

The Newton Brothers

Cinematography by

Brandon Cox

Genres: Action, Crime, Thriller

Countries: United States, United Kingdom

Line of Duty Official Trailer

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