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Surf Nazis Must Die 1987

Surf Nazis Must Die

Surf Nazis Must Die

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The Beaches Have Become Battlefields... The Waves Are A War Zone!

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About the Surf Nazis Must Die 💬

  • Sometime in the near future...

HANG TEN GESTAPO STYLE! Sometime in the near future, a major earthquake has devastated the entire California coastline. As the survivors attempt to put their lives back together, a new, more terrifying threat erupts - the rise of a wretched Reich which really rock the Richter scale! The beautiful beaches are now ruled by ruthless gangs... and the gangs are ruled by the SURF NAZIS! Welcome to California! Where the beaches have become battlefields and the waves are a war zone! The rival gangs - the "Samurai Surfers" and the tyranny of the tide - the SURF NAZIS! Adolf, Eva, Mengele, Hook, Smeg and the rest of the gang! Only one person is powerful enough... darling enough... brave enough to stop them! She's tough... she's dangerous... she's wide-hipped and strong-willed... she's Leroy's Mama! And as long as she's alive - the SURF NAZIS MUST DIE!

Surf Nazis Must Die Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Peter George

Writing Credits

Jon Ayre (Screenplay)

Peter George and Jon Ayre (Original Story)


Gail Neely

Robert Harden

Barry Brenner

Dawn Wildsmith

Michael Sonye

Joel Hile

Tom Shell

Bobbie Bresee

Gene Mitchell

Dawne Ellison

Christina Garcia

Laura Gregory

Dianne Copeland

Music by

Jon McCallum

Cinematography by

Rolf Kestermann

Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror

Country: United States

Surf Nazis Must Die Trailer

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