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The Curse of Halloween Jack 2019

The Curse of Halloween Jack

The Curse of Halloween Jack

As film industry reviewers, we say The Curse of Halloween Jack is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Terror never rests in peace.

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About The Curse of Halloween Jack 💬

  • Halloween 31st

After a brutal massacre of the townsfolk by legendary killer Halloween Jack on October 31st, the new mayor of Dunwich bans all future Halloween celebrations. But two years after the murders a group of rebellious youngsters decides to defy the powers-that-be and organize their own private Halloween party. Little do they know that in a woodland nearby a cult known as The Lords of Samhain are making a blood sacrifice to resurrect the long-dead Halloween Jack (Derek Nelson).

  • He returns... And this time, no one is safe.

When the infamous killer returns to life, the cult and the partying teens get a whole lot more than they bargained for.

The Curse of Halloween Jack Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Andrew Jones

Writing Credits

Andrew Jones


Derek Nelson

Patrick O'Donnell

Jason Medani

Peter Cosgrove

Phillip Roy

Charlotte Mounter

Tiffany Ceri

Jessica Michelle Smith

Alastair Armstrong

David Lenik

Wyn Hopkins

Lex Lamprey

Gareth Weekley

Louise Rhian Poole

Svend Emil Jacobsen

Rebecca Donovan Morgan

Brendan Purcell II

Cinematography by

Jonathan McLaughlin

Genres: Horror, Thriller

Country: United Kingdom

Follows: The Legend of Halloween Jack (2018)

The Curse of Halloween Jack Official Trailer

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