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Modern Life Is Rubbish 2017

Modern Life Is Rubbish

Modern Life Is Rubbish

As film industry reviewers, we say Modern Life Is Rubbish is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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About Modern Life Is Rubbish 💬

  • Music brought them together. Modern life pulled them apart.

First brought together by their shared love of music, ten years later Liam (Josh Whitehouse) and Natalie (Freya Mavor) have reached a breaking point. Opposites attract but aren't necessarily working long-term.

Liam, a vinyl junkie and hardcore technophobe, is trapped in the past, clinging on to fading dreams of rock stardom with his ramshackle band ''Head Cleaner''. Whereas Liam has steadfastly resisted the creeping grasp of modernity, Natalie has nimbly adapted to the trials and tribulations of 21st century London life.

  • Live. Dream. Love.

As their shared possessions are separated, we come to learn the emotional significance of these items, in a home filled with memories and love.

The heartbroken Liam is privately desperate to stop Natalie from leaving him, but his pride and his own demons are paralyzing him. When he eventually tries a last-gasp reconciliation, it is tragically too little too late for the wounded but pragmatic Natalie.

Modern Life Is Rubbish Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Daniel Jerome Gill

Writing Credits

Philip Gawthorne


Josh Whitehouse

Freya Mavor

Tom Riley

Daisy Bevan

Will Merrick

Matt Milne

Jessie Cave

Steven Mackintosh

Ian Hart

Sorcha Cusack

Music by

Orlando Roberton

Cinematography by

Tim Sidell

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Music, Romance

Country: United Kingdom

Modern Life Is Rubbish Official Trailer

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