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Get Big 2017

Get Big

Get Big

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About the Get Big 💬

Inspired by somewhat true events, ''GET BIG'' follows the misadventures of two friends as they reconnect to attend a high school classmate's wedding. Alec Schaff (Tanner Stine) is the charming troublemaker, while Nate (Dylan Anthony Moran) provides the neurotic and awkward foil to his friend's unpredictable antics. ''GET BIG'' takes place over the course of a crazy 24-hour period during which Alec and Nate cross paths with oddball cops, curmudgeonly neighbors, drug dealers, psychopaths, escorts and pretty girls, all while the clock ticks down their classmate's big moment.


''I wrote this when I was 19, the same age as the main character. So it's very authentic in that sense. I simply wanted to show people what it was like to spend a day hanging out with my high school friends. I initially didn't intend to write a comedy but it ended up being funny so I embraced that as much as I could. At first, I thought I would make this guerrilla-style with my friends/family as the cast. But I quickly learned that no matter how good I could make the script, if there weren't great actors and experienced crew members bringing this to life then it wasn't going to work. That was when I found David Rudd who took a chance on me and decided to be the film's producer. Quickly this little script I wrote became a professional feature film project. And once we were able to secure funding, we were off and away. Filming took place a year ago, it was a wild ride and I look back on those memories fondly. Working with my amazing cast and the talented crew was an absolute delight. I'm not sure what is going to happen with this film. But I can confidently say that the finished product was exactly what we intended to make, with no compromises. And I can only hope people enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.''

Dylan Anthony Moran

Get Big Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Dylan Anthony Moran

Writing Credits

Dylan Anthony Moran


Dylan Anthony Moran

Tanner Stine

Mark Grossman

Clifford Bañagale

Lisa Alvillar

Scott Krinsky

Dakota Gorman

Kelly Hawthorne

John Gloria

Mercy Malik

Robyn Okrant

Paulina Alvarez

Lauren Beveridge

Victoria Truscott

Jason Sims-Prewitt

Lindsay Taylor

Vanessa Villalba

Music by

Brain Mantia

Larry Lalonde

Cinematography by

Matthew Troy

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Country: United States

Get Big Official Trailer

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