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On Golden Pond 1981

On Golden Pond

On Golden Pond

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When life is at its finest... When love is at its fullest...

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About the On Golden Pond 💬

For 48 years, Ethel (Katharine Hepburn) and Norman Thayer (Henry Fonda) have summered at their cabin on Golden Pond. Their New England home is filled with memorabilia, reflecting their long history on the lake, and life with their daughter, Chelsea (Jane Fonda). However, this summer becomes a season of conflict. Because their daughter - whom they haven't seen for years - feels she must be there for Norman's birthday.

Chelsea and her fiancé Bill (Dabney Coleman) are on their way to Europe the next day but will be back in a couple of weeks to pick up the fiance's son. Both Ethel and Norman are more than a little uncertain about their new roles as grandparents. And what begins as a stubborn battle of wills between Norman and Billy (Doug McKeon), slowly turns into a warm and loving friendship. When she returns Chelsea is married and her stepson has the relationship with her father that she always wanted. In turn, Norman sees how much he has missed by denying his daughter's love. Will the father and daughter be able to communicate at last?

On Golden Pond Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Mark Rydell

Writing Credits

Ernest Thompson


Katharine Hepburn

Henry Fonda

Jane Fonda

Dabney Coleman

Doug McKeon

William Lanteau

Music by

Dave Grusin

Cinematography by

Billy Williams

Categories: Oscars, Oscar Academy Award Winner, Golden Globes, Golden Globe Winner, EEBAFTAs, BAFTA Award Winner

Genre: Drama

Countries: United Kingdom, United States

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