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Moontrap 1989



As film industry reviewers, we say Moontrap is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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For fourteen thousand years... It waited.

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About the Moontrap 💬

  • 14,000 years it has waited for us.

MOONTRAP stars Bruce Campbell and Walter Koenig as astronauts sent to the moon to investigate evidence of what appears to be signs of human life. They reanimate the body of a woman (Leigh Lombardi), who warns them that the moon is under the control of a race of alien cyborgs, which have been awaiting the opportunity to stage their invasion of Earth. The humans realize that desperate measures must be taken to halt the cyborgs' departure from the moon - even if it ends in their own destruction.

Moontrap Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Robert Dyke

Writing Credits

Tex Ragsdale


Walter Koenig

Bruce Campbell

Leigh Lombardi

John J. Saunders

Robert Kurcz

Reavis Graham

Tom Case

Mariafae Mytnyk

Doug Childs

Music by

Joseph LoDuca

Cinematography by

Peter Klein

Genres: Horror, Sci-Fi (Science Fiction)

Country: United States

Followed by: Moontrap: Target Earth (2017)

Moontrap Trailer

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