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Divine Love 2019

Divine Love | Divino Amor

Divine Love-Divino Amor

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True love never betrays. True love shares.

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About the Divine Love 💬

In his third feature, young Brazilian Gabriel Mascaro, known for his debut Neon Bull, tells a unique dystopian story drenched in bright colors and pop music. DIVINE LOVE follows the journey of a devout Christian woman who has a very personal mission to save couples from divorce.

  • Brazil, 2027.

In the year 2027, the Evangelical Church controls every aspect of Brazil's social and political life in which love rules over everything else. Deeply religious, 42-year-old woman Joana Martins (Dira Paes), who works at the registry office, tries to convince couples who are seeking divorce to change their minds. And she takes comfort in an unusual religious collective that helps keep her own marriage in check.

  • True love doesn't betray.

Whilst waiting for a Sign in recognition of her efforts, she is confronted with a crisis in her own marriage that ultimately brings her closer to God. Will she question her faith when her own marriage is in crisis?

DIVINE LOVE portrays an unusual dystopia around the themes of faith, sexuality, family, music, and the state.

Divine Love Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Gabriel Mascaro

Writing Credits

Gabriel Mascaro

Esdras Bezerra

Lucas Paraizo

Rachel Daisy Ellis


Dira Paes

Julio Machado

Emílio de Mello

Teca Pereira

Mariana Nunes

Thalita Carauta

Tuna Dwek

Music by

Cláudio N.

DJ Dolores

Juan Campodónico

Otavio Santos

Santiago Marrero

Cinematography by

Diego García

Genre: Drama

Countries: Brazil, Uruguay, Denmark, Norway, Chile

Divine Love Teaser Trailer

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