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A Star Is Born 1954

A Star Is Born

A Star Is Born

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Destiny came at her with a leer!

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About the A Star Is Born 💬

  • The applause of the world - and then this!

A STAR IS BORN is one of the most beloved show-business stories of all time.

Judy Garland is singer Esther Blodgett / Vicki Lester, an undeniable talent on the rise. She catches the eye of Norman Maine (James Mason), an alcoholic actor in career decline. Their intense love transforms them both. Only one will survive Hollywood's slings and arrows.

''This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, with a whimper.''

Jack Carson as Matt Libby

A Star Is Born Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

George Cukor

Writing Credits

Moss Hart (Screenplay)

Alan Campbell, Dorothy Parker and Robert Carson (Based on the 1937 screenplay by)

Robert Carson and William A. Wellman (Based on the 1937 story by)


Judy Garland

James Mason

Jack Carson

Charles Bickford

Tommy Noonan

Lucy Marlow

Amanda Blake

Hazel Shermet

Music by

Ray Heindorf

Cinematography by

Sam Leavitt

Categories: Oscars, Oscar Academy Award Nominee, Golden Globes, Golden Globe Winner, EEBAFTAs, BAFTA Award Nominee

Genres: Drama, Musical, Romance

Country: United States

Remake of: A Star Is Born (1937)

Remade as: A Star Is Born (1976) - A Star Is Born (2018)

A Star Is Born Official Trailer

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