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The Wife 2017

The Wife

The Wife

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About The Wife 💬

The Castleman marriage and literary legend will never be the same.

After nearly forty years of marriage, JOAN and JOE CASTLEMAN (Glenn Close and Jonathan Pryce) are complements. The foundations of their marriage have, however, been built upon a set of uneven compromises, and Joan has reached a turning point.

It's 1992, and Great American Novelist Joe is about to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature his acclaimed and prolific body of work. Joe's literary star has blazed since he and Joan first met in the late 1950s, when she was a demure Smith student and him, her (married) creative writing teacher. THE WIFE interweaves the midcentury story of the couple's youthful passion and ambition with a portrait of a marriage, thirty-plus years later - a lifetime's shared compromises, secrets, betrayals, and genuine, mutual love. From 1958 to 1992 to our present vantage point of 2018, we observe Joan and Joe Castleman in the context of their times, and ours.

The Wife Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Björn Runge

Writing Credits

Jane Anderson (Screenplay)

Meg Wolitzer (Based on the novel ''The Wife'' by)


Glenn Close

Jonathan Pryce

Max Irons

Annie Starke

Harry Lloyd

Grainne Keenan

Elizabeth McGovern

Christian Slater

Alix Wilton Regan

Morgane Polanski

Jan Mybrand

Johan Widerberg

Karin Franz Körlof

Anna Azcárate

Nick Fletcher

Elizabeth McGovern

Twinnie Lee Moore

Music by

Jocelyn Pook

Cinematography by

Ulf Brantås

Categories: Oscars, Oscar Academy Award Nominee, Golden Globes, Golden Globe Winner, EEBAFTAs, BAFTA Award Nominee

Genre: Drama

Countries: United Kingdom, Sweden, United States

The Wife Official Trailer

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