Loving 2016
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About the Loving 💬
LOVING celebrates the real-life courage and commitment of an interracial couple, Richard and Mildred Loving (portrayed in the film by Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga), who fell in love and were married in 1958.
The couple had grown up in Central Point, a small town in Virginia that was more integrated than surrounding areas in the American South. Yet it was the state of Virginia, where they were making their home and starting a family, that first jailed and then banished them. Richard and Mildred relocated with their children to the inner city of Washington, D.C. While relatives made them feel welcome there, the more urban environment did not feel like home to them. Ultimately, the pull of their roots in Virginia would spur Mildred to try to find a way back.
Their civil rights case, Loving v. Virginia, went all the way to the Supreme Court, which in 1967 reaffirmed the very foundation of the right to marry. Richard and Mildred returned home and their love story has become an inspiration to couples ever since.
Timeline for Loving v. Virginia
October 29, 1933 - Richard Perry Loving is born in Central Point, VA
July 22, 1939 - Mildred Delores Jeter is born in Central Point, VA
June 2, 1958 - Expecting a child together and unable to wed in their segregated home state of Virginia, Richard and Mildred are married in Washington, D.C.; they return to their integrated community of Central Point and move into Mildred's family's home
July 11, 1958 - Bernard Mahon, Virginia Commonwealth's attorney for Caroline County, obtains arrest warrants for Richard and Mildred Loving
July 12, 1958 - At 2:00 AM, Sheriff R. Garnett Brooks, and his deputies burst into the sleeping couple's bedroom and arrest them; the Lovings are taken to jail in the town of Bowling Green, where Richard spends one night behind bars before being released on $1,000 bail
July 13-17, 1958 - Sheriff Brooks refuses to let Richard bailout Mildred, and she spends five nights in jail before being released on $1,000 bail
October 1958 - The Lovings are indicted for violating Virginia's Racial Integrity Act
January 1959 - The Lovings are advised to plead guilty, and after doing so are sentenced by Judge Leon Bazile to one year in jail; their sentences are suspended on the provision that they leave ''Caroline County and the state of Virginia at once and do not return together or at the same time to said county and state for a period of twenty-five years''
The Lovings move to Washington, D.C., where they live with Mildred's cousin Alex Byrd and his wife Laura
1963 - Mildred writes to United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, asking if he can aid her and Richard; Kennedy replies that he himself cannot help but has referred their case to the Washington chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
In June, the Lovings' case is assigned to ACLU attorney Bernard Cohen; a few months later, Philip Hirschkop, a civil rights lawyer, joins the case and both attorneys work pro bono In November, the two lawyers file a motion with Judge Bazile to vacate the Lovings' conviction and set aside the sentence
1964 - The Lovings and their three children move back to Virginia, living in secrecy in a farmhouse in King & Queen County
January 22, 1965 - Judge Bazile denies the motion and defends Virginia's anti-miscegenation (i.e., anti-interracial unions) laws in his ruling: ''Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, Malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his [arrangement] there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.''
March 7, 1966 - The Virginia Supreme Court upholds the Lovings' conviction, but rules that the provision to leave the state for 25 years was excessive and remands the case back to state circuit court for re-sentencing
March 18, 1966 - Life Magazine issue includes (without byline) the article ''The Crime of Being Married,'' accompanied by its photographer Grey Villet's black-and-white photos of the Lovings in and around their home in King & Queen County; the article cites the ruling earlier in the month and notes that ''Loving vs. Virginia may well become the next big landmark in civil rights''
March 1966 - Loving v. Virginia is appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court
April 9, 1967 - The Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Loving v. Virginia, including Bernard Cohen's: ''The Lovings have the right to go to sleep at night knowing that if should they not wake in the morning, their children would have the right to inherit from them. They have the right to be secure in knowing that, if they go to sleep and do not wake in the morning, that one of them, a survivor of them, has the right to Social Security benefits.''
June 12, 1967 - The Supreme Court issues its unanimous decision striking down all anti-miscegenation laws as unconstitutional and in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of equality, and Chief Justice Earl Warren writes the opinion on behalf of the Court: ''Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the State.''
every June 12 - Loving Day, an annual remembrance of the Supreme Court’s ruling
Loving Movie Details 🎥
Directed by
Jeff Nichols
Writing Credits
Jeff Nichols
Joel Edgerton
Ruth Negga
Marton Csokas
Nick Kroll
Jon Bass
Michael Shannon
Terri Abney
Alano Miller
Sharon Blackwood
Christopher Mann
Winter-Lee Holland
Music by
David Wingo
Cinematography by
Adam Stone
Categories: Oscars, Oscar Academy Award Nominee, Golden Globes, Golden Globe Nominee
Genres: Biography, Drama, Romance
Countries: United Kingdom, United States
Loving Official Trailer
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