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Killing Jesus 2017

Killing Jesus | Matar a Jesús

Killing Jesus-Matar a Jesus

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KILLING JESUS portrays the collapse of the Colombian social structure under the influence of drug cartels through a revenge story.

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About the Killing Jesus 💬

  • Inspired by true events.

''Resistance is the only place hope inhabits''

E. Sabato

The film follows Paula, whose human rights activist father is assassinated.

Paula (Natasha Jaramillo), a young Colombian student, witnesses the cold-blooded murder of her father. After facing the inefficiency of the police, she accidentally crosses paths with the hitman who did the job. Driven by her anger, frustration, and pain, the choice of revenge seems to be the only possible reaction... But what if both of them are the victims of a violent and corrupt system?

''Ever since I met you, I knew you were going to save my life.''

Giovanny Rodríguez as Jesús


KILLING JESUS is a social drama that looks to portray a society in conflict through the lives of two youngsters that have been brutally pierced by violence.

The main challenge in the naturalistic way in which I approached the story was how to express violence through small details in order to show that violence is also intimate and how deeply we, as a society, have been pierced by it.

In the process, I discovered that violence seems to be attached to our own identity and to try to resist it can be seen as almost an act of treason towards a society. Ultimately it seems as if Colombia's history of violence could be described as a never-ending act of revenge.

The film tries to be a continuous dialogue between Paula (our protagonist) and the city that has always moved between violence and moral transgression. The character of Jesus is nothing else than the personification of that whole tragedy.

(How can a society that is so Catholic be at the same time the most violent?)

We will follow Paula on her journey as she follows Jesus, as if beyond her idea of killing him, she is seeking her own death.

Through all this journey we should never forget how young these characters are: a 22-year-old Victim and a 23-year-old Victimizer. They are just the reflection of a failed system, having been denied justice in their own way. The certainty of tragedy and death arrived way too early into each of their own existence.

In the creative process, I'm always anxious to be able to create moments of truth. I decided to work with non-professional actors that would fill the situations with their own experiences, their own language, their own relationship with the city and its violence will come so naturally that the screen will be flooded by the beauty that only detaches from life itself.

KILLING JESUS is a story about recognizing one another.

We will attend the transformation of a daughter devastated by death, into a human being that chooses to live and chooses the life of others above all.

She will try to think from the other's point of view, even when the other is the furthest from her own humanity; even when the truth that she demands as a victim, will be forever denied.

Paule with her attitude will try to cut an infinite chain of violence. She becomes a symbol of resistance.

KILLING JESUS was inspired by the painful reflections that arose after the killing of my father.

Laura Mora Ortega

Killing Jesus Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Laura Mora Ortega

Writing Credits

Laura Mora Ortega

Alonso Torres


Natasha Jaramillo

Giovanny Rodríguez

Camilo Escobar

Carmenza Cossio

Juan Pablo Trujillo

José David Medina

Juan Camilo Cárdenas

Jhorvin Ospina

Music by

Sebastián Escofet

Cinematography by

James L. Brown

Genres: Drama

Countries: Colombia, Argentina

Killing Jesus Official Trailer

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