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Phoenix 2014



As film industry reviewers, we say Phoenix is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

Phoenix is favorite or unfavorite?

What is the effect on your identity of such a traumatic period, in which friends and lovers are forced into the role of perpetrator or victim? What survives after such a devastating war? Love? Revenge? Hope, perhaps?

We'd love to hear your thoughts on this feature film!

About the Phoenix 💬

How well can we really know another person?

June, 1945. Badly injured, her face destroyed, Auschwitz survivor Nelly Lenz (Nina Hoss) returns to her hometown, Berlin. She's accompanied by Lene Winter (Nina Kunzendorf), a Jewish Agency employee and Nelly's friend from pre-war days.

Having barely recovered from facial surgery, Nelly ignores Lene's warnings and sets out to find her husband, Johnny Lenz (Ronald Zehrfeld) - the love of her life who, by refusing to abandon their marriage, protected her from Nazi persecution for so long.

Nelly's family has been murdered in the Holocaust. Johnny is convinced that his wife, too, is dead. When Nelly finally tracks him down, he recognizes nothing but an unnerving resemblance and doesn't believe it could really be her. Hoping to secure her family's inheritance, Johnny suggests to Nelly that she take on the identity of his late wife.

Nelly agrees, and becomes her own doppelganger - she needs to know if Johnny ever loved her, or if he betrayed her. Nelly wants her life back. The more similarities to her dead counterpart she reveals, the more desperate and confusing their relationship becomes.

Will Johnny confess his love? Or his guilt?


''I didn't want a tight, musty sound in Phoenix, but an open window through which the noise and the patter of the city could be heard so that one realizes that life goes on after the disaster. Because a ghost is not a ghost when surrounded by life. If everything is spooky, nothing is spooky.''

Christian Petzold

Phoenix Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Christian Petzold

Writing Credits

Christian Petzold (Screenplay)

Harun Farocki (Co-writer)

Hubert Monteilhet (Based on the novel ''Le Retour des centres'')


Nina Hoss

Ronald Zehrfeld

Nina Kunzendorf

Michael Maertens

Imogen Kogge

Music by

Stefan Will

Cinematography by

Hans Fromm

Genres: Drama, History, Music, Romance

Country: Germany

Phoenix Official Trailer

Our Choice

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✋ This content is prepared by All Favorite Movies (AFM).

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