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Birth 2004

Birth | La Naissance

Birth-La Naissance

As film industry reviewers, we say Birth is one of our favorites. If Birth is one of YOUR favorite movies, and to recommend it to other film lovers, please VOTE!

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About the Birth 💬

  • She wished her husband would come back from the dead. Now, he is back.

BIRTH takes place in New York's Upper East Side, where Anna (Nicole Kidman), a 35-year-old widow, resides. Just as Anna has shaken off what she thought were the final remnants of her old life - she has even found love with a new man, Joseph (Danny Huston), whom she plans on marrying - Sean (Cameron Bright), a ten-year-old boy, comes into her life insisting that he is the reincarnation of her late husband. Though she initially brushes off the boy's claims as the result of a crush on her, his grave demeanor and uncanny knowledge of her life leads Anna through a self-reevaluation that not only threatens her marital plans with Joseph but also strains her relationship with her mother, Eleanor (Lauren Bacall).

Birth Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Jonathan Glazer

Writing Credits

Jonathan Glazer

Jean-Claude Carrière

Milo Addica


Nicole Kidman

Cameron Bright

Danny Huston

Lauren Bacall

Alison Elliott

Anne Heche

Peter Stormare

Arliss Howard

Ted Levine

Cara Seymour

Novella Nelson

Charles Goff

Sheila Smith

Milo Addica

Music by

Alexandre Desplat

Cinematography by

Harris Savides

Category: Golden Globes, Golden Globe Nominee

Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Thriller

Countries: United Kingdom, France, Germany, United States

Birth Trailer

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