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God's Neighbors 2012

God's Neighbors | God's Neighbours | Ha-Mashgihim | HaMashgihim | Les voisins de Dieu

God's Neighbors-God's Neighbours-Ha-Mashgihim-HaMashgihim-Les voisins de Dieu

As film industry reviewers, we say God's Neighbors is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Rules must be followed. For the ''supervisors'' of a Bat Yam neighborhood in Israel, this means ensuring that women are dressed appropriately, that people respect Shabbat, or that Arabs from Jaffa don't enter the neighborhood with music blaring from their cars. Avi, Kobi, and Yaniv are young and know how to fight. Avi is their leader. The group's dynamic is challenged when Avi threatens a young woman that doesn't follow their rules, a woman he's about to fall in love with...

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About God's Neighbors / God's Neighbours 💬

Avi Bahar (Roy Assaf), Kobi Shmaya (Gal Friedman), and Yaniv Lugassi (Itzik Golan) live in Bat-Yam, a suburb close to Jaffa. They follow the Breslev religious stream and want to enforce their neighbors to become religious, without hesitating to be violent in the name of god.

All the habitants of the neighborhood admire the gang and are afraid of them at the same time. One day a new girl, Miri (Rotem Ziesman-Cohen), arrives at the neighborhood. She is not familiar with the strict rules of modesty. Avi the leader, falls in love with her. Soon he has torn apart between his feelings for Miri and his dedication to the gang.

God's Neighbors / God's Neighbours Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Meni Yaish

Writing Credits

Meni Yaish


Roy Assaf

Gal Friedman

Itzik Golan

Rotem Ziesman-Cohen

Haim Hova

Gili Shoshan

Music by


Cinematography by

Shahak Paz

Genre: Drama

Countries: Israel, France

God's Neighbors / God's Neighbours Official Trailer

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