Glory 2016
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An honest railroad worker wants to gain back his dignity and the trophy wristwatch from his father.
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About the Glory 💬
Q: Where did the idea come from? Was it inspired by a true story?
GLORY is the 2nd in a trilogy inspired by items in the press. The Lesson was the first, and the third is being developed. None of the films pretend to be true to the events, we are just inspired by various things, and our films take off from where the press cuttings finish. GLORY is inspired by an event that took place in 2001. A railway worker found a pile of banknotes on the rails, took them to the police and received as a reward a watch that only worked for a few days. In an interview that he gave several years later he said that if he found another pile of notes on the ground, he would just walk on. Why did he say this? That intrigued us, and our imagination got to work.
Q: The film deals with corruption in the highest realms of power, and in those with no job security. Is that a reflection of Bulgarian society?
Absolutely. But beyond that, we think that GLORY which shows the fragility of goodness, of good will, and how easy it is to corrupt it and destroy it.
Q: Tsanko stutters in the film - is that to highlight the fact that people at the bottom of the scale are not understood by those in power?
Stuttering is a key element in Tsanko's character. It acts like a protective wall, which isolates him from the world in which he lives, but also allows him to keep his integrity. Evidently, there's also a metaphorical aspect in not being understood by people with power, but it's a happy coincidence.
Q: The film is a black comedy which constantly moves between comic moments and more tragic events. Why that choice?
The mixture of comedy and drama has always inspired us. In real life, the two things make a pair, and we constantly pass from happy moments to sadder ones. So for us, tragicomedy is the genre which seems the most realistic.
Q: Margita Gosheva and Stefan Denolyubov are also in The Lesson, but in opposite roles. Did you write GLORY thinking of them, and did they accept the parts straight away?
In the first version of the script, the person in charge of PR was a man, and Stefan was going to play him. But once we started to find an actor to play the railway worker, we decided to give that part to Stefan. Thinking again about the role of the PR person, we realized that could equally as well be a woman, and that Margita would be perfect for the part. That then gave us the opportunity to have an interesting counterpoint to their respective roles in The Lesson, and that gave them a little challenge. They were a little doubtful at the start of shooting, but in the end, we think they gave two remarkable performances.
Q: Did you also use the same technical crew as with The Lesson?
Yes, nearly all the crew members of GLORY were there on The Lesson. It's always a pleasure to work with Krum Rodriguez (the cinematographer). After many collaborations, we have begun to understand each other, and communication is now more intuitive. For GLORY, we did have a new person, the scriptwriter Decho Taralezhkov, who had a very important role in the conception of the screenplay, and he also has a small role in front of the camera. We are now just starting to work together again on new projects.
Q: Bulgarian cinema is not that well known internationally - could you say something about the state of the film industry in your country?
The situation is very complex. The system of state support is stagnant, and we don't have alternative sources of finance. Very few films are produced each year, and the budget allocated to the cinema is often directed to unsuccessful projects which find no audience, neither here nor abroad. The distribution of films in Bulgaria, and particularly arthouse ones, is an almost insurmountable challenge. More and more, directors find a way of making their films with a greatly reduced budget, or even without any budget in place. That was the case for our first feature, The Lesson. But we remain optimistic despite the difficulties, we know there is a number of very talented artists and technicians who have a great love for the cinema. Amongst them there are Ralitza Petrova, Nikolay Todorov, Dimitar Sardzhev, Milko Lazarov, Ilian Metev, Dragomir Sholev, and Konstantin Bojanov, to name a few. And five of these directors appear as actors in GLORY.
A new generation masterpiece blending Eastern European humor with drama from the directors of the award-winning and critically acclaimed film The Lesson.
Glory is a social-realist parable about two people from opposite ends of society.
In their striking new film, Bulgarian directors Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov follow in the trails of Dardenne Brothers and focus on the efforts to cover up an official corruption by personal integrity.
GLORY is the second installment in Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov's ''newspaper clippings trilogy'' of stories inspired by headlines from Bulgarian press.
GLORY is the second installment in Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov's ''newspaper clippings trilogy'' of stories inspired by headlines from Bulgarian press.
Glory Movie Details 🎥
Directed by
Kristina Grozeva
Petar Valchanov
Writing Credits
Kristina Grozeva
Petar Valchanov
Decho Taralezhkov
Stefan Denolyubov
Margita Gosheva
Kitodar Todorov
Ivan Savov
Milko Lazarov
Hristofor Nedkov
Mira Iskarova
Ana Bratoeva
Stanislav Ganchev
Tanya Shahova
Deyan Statulov
Decho Taralezhkov
Nikola Dodov
Dimitar Sardzhev
Nikolay Todorov
Nadejda Bratoeva
Dr. Georgi Stamenov
Ralitza Petrova
Music by
Hristo Namliev
Cinematography by
Krum Rodriguez
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Countries: Bulgaria, Greece
Glory Official Trailer
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